
We are pleased to share some of the feedback we have recently received from schools, parents and students. 


Hi Lisa,

Just wanted to write to say that we are really impressed with Liberate and the way that X has been supported. Communication was excellent and this placement has really felt like a 'team approach' to support X".

The work that she has completed looks really impressive and she states that she has enjoyed her time at Liberate. 

Thank you for the ongoing support that you are providing X, to ensure that the transition back to school is effective. We really appreciate your support and advice and will definitely use Liberate again. 



"My daughter learning barriers have come down since being at the centre and now she will excited to learn and come to school, she is getting lots of praise and the school are adapting to her learning needs. Everything is working well, I have a very happy child first time in years." 


"Its the happiest I have seen X the support & encouragement X receives is a amazing. X looks forward to school now." 


"Since attending Liberate I feel my confidence is growing and I don’t feel pressure when it comes to my work which is helping me to remember things more. I am happy with my levels improving. I feel happier inside and outside of school because Lisa and Clare always support me and make me feel happy and safe. I am finally enjoying attending school and learning." 


"My attitude in lessons has improved  and my mindset in school is better. The relationships with teachers has gotten  better and Liberates intervention has helped me improve my outlook on school."


"The liberate sessions have been very helpful. I now feel comfortable to speak to them and others about any worries I have. Thanks to their support I now feel better about going into my exams."


"I liked working with Liberate because I felt like i could talk to them and I wasn't alone, they made me laugh."